Thursday, January 6, 2011

My NEW GOAL - 100 pounds by April 7th!

Based on my average rate of weight loss these past 12 weeks of 3.33 pounds per week, which included four holidays - Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years - I am going to commit to giving it everything I've got to lose 60 pounds by April 7th.  I will need to stay on track and get moving more, LOTS MORE, but I believe it's possible.  It will take a 4.61 pound average weekly loss.  Possible, but it will be a real challenge.  Success will mean that...

...I will hit the 100 pound milestone on the day I take to the runway as a fashion model!

I have been recruited to be in the Women's Council of Realtors spring make-over fashion show!  Never, ever, in a million years would I ever have imagined myself agreeing to parade on a runway, as a model.  A short, plump, wobbly model.  But I agreed to the invitation because I believe it will be good motivation to keep me on course - knowing that I will be on a runway as a model with all eyes on me, on April 7th! 

Having lost 40 pounds in the past festive-food-filled 12 week period, I confess to still not exercising like I should.  Exercise has always been my nemesis.  I lost 40 pounds in spite of NOT MOVING!  I did do weight resistance training twice a week in the Optifit fitness center with their awesome staff, for about 8 of those 12 weeks.  I did no aerobics.  My sore knees and feet make even walking around the block difficult.

So I figure, if I go all out, GET MOVING, focus, and give it all I've got, I just might surprise us all and pull it off. 

"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high
and falling short, but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark."  Unknown



  1. Maintain forward motion my sister, my friend!

  2. Go Janna - looking forward to your victory blog on April 7th. And then on to your new career as a runway model. Oh, yeah, husband and kids - can't leave them home.
    Best wishes, Janna

    Virginia Hepp
    Mesquite NV

  3. Dear Janna YOU CAN DO IT! Do they have an elliptical machine anywhere that you can use? Easy on the knees, good workout. I think you will come to love and be addicted to exercise, the endorphins are awesome. I struggle with dieting, but love to run for fun in the hot, hot sun. You will get there too, I predict! I think I want to come see your fashion show on April 7th.
