Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Goodbye FAT CLOTHES! Well, kind of....

Having lost 31 pounds, I went shopping in my closet for clothes I haven't been able to wear for a while, and in some cases, years!  I scored big time in my closet, and pulled out of a box that had moved with me from Colorado in 2008, THREE pair of brand new jeans I had bought on sale when I couldn't quite fit into them.  I had planned to get a few pounds off at the time, years ago. I didn't, and I totally forgot about them.  I tried them on, and they fit!  No such luck with dress slacks.

I tried on lots of stuff, and decided to purge my closet and my life of my FAT clothes. Things that have become baggy and saggy. Like all my decent slacks for work.  Lots of tops.  A skirt and a jacket.  Goodbye fat clothes.  I ended up with 75 items in my purge pile, including the baggy outfit I wore the day before and all my fat summer clothes that will be miles too big next summer.  I bagged them up and immediately drove them to the thrift store, and didn't look back.

Having said that, with STILL more than 100 pounds to lose, every piece of clothing remaining in my closet can appropriately be categorized as fat clothes, but they aren't AS fat!  And I'm NEVER going back!

The past couple years, I have seldom worn jeans.  Something about looking like the broad side of a barn!  (Which I still do, just a bit less broad...)   But those of you who cross my path in the next little while will notice me in jeans a lot. 
And now you know the rest of the story!


1 comment:

  1. Janna, I am so thrilled right along with you.
    YOU GO GIRL!!!!
