Thursday, December 16, 2010

What I like about my body - what do YOU like about your body?

The gym is NOT my favorite place to be. Not fun.  I am seriously out of shape. 

SERIOUSLY!  As in a big marshmallow. 

My feet have issues, my knees have issues, it hurts.  I whine.  I moan and groan. I complain as I strain.  I would always find myself apologizing to my trainer, either Chad, Cate or Kristi, for being such a whiny baby.  Last week after one such episode Cate said to me that it was ok, she just didn't like to hear me say that I can't do something.  That stopped me in my tracks,  I asked her if I really had said that.  Said those words, "I can't."  She assured me that I had, and it upset me.  I am all about positive mindset and releasing negative energy.  If you haven't, you should read my former post about the importance of positive affirmations. 

After that I made the decision to only think and say positive things in the gym.  No more whining and complaining.  My next appointment with Cate, as she put me through the ringer, I said only positive things through my clenched teeth.  I would moan and groan only happy comments.  "I LOVE IT!"  "This feels so GOOD!"  "I'm getting STRONGER."

She giggled, I sweated and giggled.  We even laughed out loud a few times.  "I'm building LEAN MUSCLE!"  "I'm a lean, mean fat burning machine!"

I definitely had more fun that day.  Cate said she remembered a class in college where they had to write out positive affirmations, and thought that perhaps that would be something good to have in the gym. 

As I was finishing up on the last machine, she asked me to tell her what I like about my body.  That came out of left field and took me by surprise.  Perhaps she was testing my determination to be only positive.   I thought for a moment and came back with "I have thin ankles."  Then, "I have a waist."  It may be large, but I do have a waist....  "I have a pretty face."  I thought of one more, but I'll leave that up to your imagination, it had to do with the "girls."

Cate never really commented one way or another, but it got me thinking about what I like about my body.  The biggie: I have a magnificently healthy body, all things considered, which I have done nothing to deserve.  I have abused my body by subjecting it to a condition of morbid obesity my entire adult life.  My knees are bad and my feet hurt, but can you blame them?  However, at my blood test prior to beginning the Optifit program in mid-October, the only red flag was low vitamin D.  Cholesterol, glucose, everything else - GOOD!  That is truly amazing considering my body composition was more than 50% fat!  I'm taking a 4000 IU Vitamin D supplement daily, and feeling very blessed.

I continue to smack down my drunk monkey and the negative thoughts he tries to get me to listen to.  It's been fun thinking about what I like about my body.  You should try it. 

What do you like about YOUR body? 


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